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What is a Kanban board?

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Kanbanchi is an online Kanbanchi board integrated with Google Workspace.

The app works inside your Google Drive and allows you to manage projects of any complexity. Kanbanchi grows together with your business. Starting with a simple Kanban board, you will later be able to add advanced functionality of the Gantt chart and the Time tracker. It’s a nice app to start learning Kanban methodology and adopting it in your team.

What are a Kanban system and a Kanban board?

Kanban system originally comes from Japan. It is part of the JIT system (just in time) that was developed in the manufacturing industry to optimize the production workflow. On a physical whiteboard, there were lines that showed the steps in the production process. Paper cards on a board needed to signal when the parts run out. That’s how the term was born, Kan (visual) + Ban (card).

Many years later online Kanban boards gained their popularity and almost replaces physical boards. The Kanban method is simple and can be applied to any process which resulted in it being widely used by many companies in the world.

The form of Kanban boards hasn’t changed much, however. It’s still lists and cards. Lists represent the stages of the workflow and cards represent tasks that will go through these stages to be completed in the end. You may vary the number of lists and their names, you may have one board for all your team or separate boards for separate roles or departments. However, the core stays the same.

A Backlog contains all the tasks that your team needs to do. The cards that you will be doing during a particular period of time will move to the “To Do” list. Then they move to the “Doing” list, and eventually to the “Done” list.


Lists of a Kanban board

Types and examples of Kanban boards

You may start with a physical whiteboard and sticky notes to try how the Kanban approach works for you. Move your sticky notes with tasks between the stages as you are progressing with tasks. We are pretty sure this may still work for some small teams or friends collaboration. However, if you plan to use Kanban for work, you’d better look out for online options.

Digital Kanban boards are good because you can edit them an unlimited number of times, you may reuse them with different teams and projects. Online Kanban boards are among the most popular business tools for more than 10 years already. They give an opportunity to use Kanban boards remotely and asynchronously which is extremely important for distributed teams that include people from different countries.

Benefits of Kanban boards

  • Help to visualize your workflow
  • Help your team to achieve goals faster
  • Work for teams of all sizes and industries
  • Serve as a knowledge base
  • Empower your team with a great flexibility
  • Unite distributed teams
  • Improve your team collaboration
  • Boost team efficiency


How to start using an online Kanban board?

You will find plenty of apps that have an online Kanban board. Among these applications, you may choose basic tools or apps that have additional advanced functionality. We recommend you have a list of clear criteria that your ideal app should meet. The criteria, depending on your projects, may vary from “available with the link” to “have Gantt chart included”.

Kanbanchi App falls under the most common criteria. It is integrated into Google Drive and therefore can be shared as Google documents ( available with the link). Going further, it does have a Gantt chart as well 😉

You will learn how to use Kanbanchi in just 15 minutes. Even not so tech-savvy people manage to do it because of the very intuitive and simple interface. You start with the board that has three lists, and later the tool will grow together with your team.


Kanbanchi project board

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Why choose Kanbanchi?

Built-into the Google ecosystem

Kanbanchi requires no more than your Google account to sign up and log in

Google Drive integration

Helps you to collaborate on your tasks with your colleagues as easy as you share files with them

Google Calendar integration

Allows you to set up reminders in your familiar way (not mentioning the in-app notifications)

Easy deployment for big companies

As easy as a pie: just one click in the Google Workspace admin panel

Intuitive and familiar interface

Helps you to start using the app right almost without any learning curve

Friendly and available support

Provides a solution to any issue (if you will ever have them)

Join 5000+ amazing companies

already using Kanbanchi with G Suite


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