Key Points to Consider Before Carrying Out Google Workspace Migration
The launch of an updated suite for tools from Google in 2020 has made it easier for companies to increase their productivity and collaboration levels. If you are wondering whether carrying out a Google Workspace migration makes sense for your team, the following are some of the key points to consider.
Why Migrate to Workspace?
The main reason people give for migrating to this set of tools is to find a better way of handling the company’s data, documents, and processes. Businesses of all types have traditionally looked to migrate to G Suite and similar collaboration tools as another of the ways of boosting their team’s efficiency in all of these things.
Having a secure, central storage point such as Google Drive for all of your documents is certainly a good thing. However, the recent updates from Google have made this an even more attractive option. This is because they have cranked up the level of integration across the tools, using the latest technology to bring the most advanced suite of online tools to date.
It is now easy to move directly from any document to making a conference call about it with the team. Or sending it out by email to the people in your group for their thoughts and possible changes. The familiar-looking, highly intuitive layout means that anyone should be able to get grips with it quickly too.
Of course, it is also worth noting that this could be the perfect moment to carry out your Google Workspace migration. Especially when so many teams have switched to working on a remote basis in the last year or so. These tools are ideally suited to remote teams that still need to work together closely.
A Comparison with Microsoft Office 365
The first thought to cross your mind might be that the Workspace tools are similar to what you currently use on Microsoft Office 365. So is it worth carrying out Google Workplace migration? On the other hand, if you haven’t yet signed up for one of these packages, then you might wonder which is best to get started with.
The following are the main areas that both of these packages have in common.
- Custom domains with business email and shared calendar tools.
- A large amount of online storage space.
- Online meetings, video conferences, and messaging functions for internal communication.
- A high level of security, including advanced options such as archiving options.
- A variety of productivity apps that your team can use to work on spreadsheets, presentations, and Word-style documents.
With similar pricing packages, it can seem impossible to work out which of these options to choose. Direct price comparison is difficult to make, as the packages aren’t exactly the same between both brands, but we can get an idea of the value that each represents.
Google has three packages currently; $6 per month per user is the cost for the business starter option, it goes up to $12 monthly if you want Business Standard, and the price rises to $18 each month if you want Business Plus.
Microsoft has three business plans too, costing $5, $12.50, or $20 monthly per user. You can also choose just the Office apps for $8.25 each month.
Perhaps the most important point for a lot of companies will be the fact that the Google option is fully browser-based. While the Microsoft option works through desktop apps. Some users feel that the Google option is simpler to use and more intuitive, with effortless integration between the different tools.
How Easy Is It to Migrate?
A lot of work has clearly been put into making it easy to migrate to G Suite. Emails, calendars, and contacts can all be moved over very easily using this guide for businesses with 100 or fewer users. You can also see here how to carry out a Google Workspace migration between different accounts and with more than 1,000 users.
This data migration guide lets you see how to migrate different types of data to the new suite. For example, you can find the specific details for migrating your email from Outlook or from Gmail. As well as the options for the likes of collaboration products, file systems, and enterprise servers.
The migration process shouldn’t take any time at all. So you will soon be ready to get started with Workspace. All of your data will be in place and your new emails and calendars properly set up and ready to use.
You will unlikely come across any major problems in migrating and then getting on board on the new suite of tools from Google. The easy, intuitive setup means that most people in the team will be ready to start using the new tools right away.
Further Integration with Workspace and Kanbanchi
The main issue companies face when migrating to Workspace is the lack of an app that allows tracking tasks and projects. This has led to people attempting to put in place manual workarounds. This is far from ideal and goes against Google’s overall idea of smoothly integrating everything in one place.
Thankfully, Kanbanchi complements the Google suite. It can put the finishing touches on your process following Google Workspace migration. This is the only project management tool that is fully integrated with Workspace, using the same sort of intuitive layout. So that it is very easy to pick up.
Moving over to Google Workspace and Kanbanchi makes a lot of sense for many businesses these days. It could prove to be the switch that allows your team to collaborate more effectively and productively. No matter where in the world they work from.