What if your project manager is desperate for a Gantt chart while others are okay with just moving cards on a Kanban board? Can everyone be happy and don’t have a Gantt chart vs Kanban battles? Spoiler: YES!
The Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that shows tasks on a timeline. It’s been around for almost a century but is still actual and useful for many businesses. This type of chart provides us with a visual representation of a work scope that needs to be done on a project to finish it successfully.
When properly created, a Gantt chart makes it easy to understand the timeline for a project as well as to get the idea of how long each particular task will last in cohesion with all other tasks forming the work scope. It also helps to manage changes in the resource needs over that period.
To get started, you just need to know the dates you are working towards and the tasks that need to be completed. As you fill in the chart, you will see that establishing dependencies between different tasks is a vital step in getting a more complete picture of how the project needs to progress.
The Kanban method was first introduced by Toyota in the 40th of the 20 century. Since then it has gained its popularity, especially with the spreading of the agile approach. It also provides a simple visual representation of the work on your project in a different form.
The very basic form of a Kanban board has three lists representing three stages of any process. They are “To do”, “Doing” and “Done”. By creating cards that represent tasks and placing them on the appropriate list, and then moving from the “To Do” to “Done” you also get a picture of your project.
However, in this case, you can see just the progress of individual tasks as they move through the different stages. As long as your project is relatively small, Kanban boards may be enough but when it’s growing and becomes more complex, you might want to have the Gantt chart as well.
PRO – The deadlines are clear at any stage of the project. You are more confident when working with hard deadlines and always see what needs to be done by which date.
PRO – You can break down your project into small tasks and see how they are dependent. This is how you minimize the risk of missing a certain task or working on tasks in the wrong sequence.
PRO – They help you properly allocate resources for the duration of the task.
PRO – Can be used in many different industries, regardless of the specific.
CON – You need to estimate the deadlines at the beginning of a project which may be nearly impossible for some. The wrong initial estimation may cause inaccuracies further when executing a project. Even one task completed not in time can have a bad effect on others and on the whole project.
CON – Gantt charts for large projects become complex and hard to read.
PRO – You break your complex project into smaller pieces. It helps to better understand what you need to do and helps to digest the complexity better.
PRO – It is very simple to define the stopping point that doesn’t allow you to progress further. Whenever you notice that the work is not moving to the next stage for a long time, this is the weak point that requires your attention.
PRO – Kanban boards help teams to stay focused by drawing team members’ attention to the most urgent tasks. Prioritization helps to stay organized and not to fall behind the schedule.
PRO – Kanban methodology is widely used in different areas of business, so you may be sure that you will find many apps that support it and a lot of tutorials that will help you to start and keep going.
CON – It may not work well enough for certain teams. For example, if you are in a culture of strict rules and deadlines, Kanban boards may seem too “open” for you. However, if you set up the rules for using them, they may also work well for your team.
CON – If you don’t set due dates for tasks your team members may be unsure of what to do first.
There are no exact rules for using one or another methodology. Teams all over the world choose Kanban or Gantt charts depending on the needs of their projects and their personal preferences. However, this shortlist might be helpful at the beginning.
Kanbanchi requires no more than your Google account to sign up and log in.
Helps you to collaborate on your tasks with your colleagues as easy as you share files with them.
Allows you to set up reminders in your familiar way (not mentioning the in-app notifications).
As easy as a pie: just one click in the Google Workspace admin panel.
Helps you to start using the app right almost without any learning curve.
Provides a solution to any issue (if you will ever have them).
already using Kanbanchi with Google Workspace