How do I add cards to Gantt chart?
There are several options to add cards to Gantt chart:
- From Gantt Chart. When you’re in Gantt Chart, you will see a list of your cards at the bottom of which there’s a special field where you can either add an existing card or create a new one right there. To find an existing card simply start typing its name in the field and click on a card when it appears in the list. To add a new card, type its title and then either click Create New Card or use a shortcut ctrl+Enter.
- 2. From the right panel in any view. Click on a card you’d like to show on Gantt Chart, go to Card Details and choose Show on Gantt option in the “actions” section.
- Add multiple cards to Gantt Chart from Kanban view. When you select multiple cards, you can Show on Gantt Chart all the selected cards by choosing this option in the right panel.
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