Don’t Let Productivity Zombies Drag the Team Down
We all know them, the ones in the team that just drive down productivity. These productivity zombies are special. They are lost in their self-awareness and just care about the destruction of everything around them, including your project. Their toxicity seeps through every crevice of the team’s efforts devouring their positive energy and productivity.
This is when we need our heroes to step in and defeat those brain eating productivity zombies. Our heroes move teams to the greater good of the organization. They slash and combat the negativity that Zombies bring. Our heroes have strong leadership qualities with the goal to focus on motivating people and inspiring teamwork.
Defeating Crawlers
Crawlers keep a low profile. You think they are getting their work done because they keep telling you everything is fine. That’s when they are most deadly. Chaos ensues. Work is slowing down because other team members are dependent on them. The project that you thought was on track is flagged red. What is a team to do? Productivity planner steps in to save the project. This hero cares about the quality of the productivity growth and has taken charge. The productivity planner relies on tools like Asana to remind the team on how they are performing against their milestones. The revised project plan is now aligned to meet the customer’s delivery date.
Annihilating Runners
As soon as their workload decreases, the number of meetings, emails and impromptu visits increases. Runners inundate their colleagues with requests to prove that they are busy. This deception of “business” is fooling no one. In steps the productivity ninja to inform the runner that meetings and emails can be managed in a better way. The productivity ninja introduces
SaneBox to improve team collaboration, minimize meetings and emails.
Eradicating Spitters
The meetings that just never end, everyone around the table is thinking the same thing. Attending meetings hosted by Spitters means that you will be late for the next meeting. Keeping track of time is not a strength of Spitters. Team members would not have an issue but the lack of minutes and action items is a good indication that the meeting will not be productive. Productivity timer knows what to do. At the next meeting, a side conversation takes place. Productivity timer demonstrates the value of using a tool like minutes.io tool to capture meeting minutes and action items.
Obliterating Bonies
The project manager is reviewing the timesheet to see the hours the team logged against the project. It’s always the same people who do not log in their time. Bonies never submit their timesheet without some interaction from you. Our hero “Productivity timer” knows what to do and will handle the situation by demonstrating the merits and the necessity required for filling in timesheets. Toggl is an excellent time tracker tool that helps a project manager track the team’s progress.
Destroying Generic Zombies
Teams run by generic zombies tend to have a high rate of project failure. They lack the skills to effectively structure the team and work. Our productivity planner hero is working overtime and will use a tool like KISSFLOW to create work process flows to see which tasks are independent or interact.
Eradicating Exploders
Exploders spend hours diligently assigning the work across the team for the next milestone. The work was supposed to be evenly dispersed but it didn’t happen that way. Exploders are team time bombs. With the team workload heavier on others, resentment and dissatisfaction will build within the team waiting to erupt. Exploders need the right set of productivity power tools like LiquidPlanner for project management to provide a clear picture of the assigned work.
Nobody wants a productivity Zombie on their team. Sometimes having the right tools in place will help prevent some of the team dysfunctions Zombies can create. All our heroes agree that Kanbanchi – simple, highly customisable, shareable tool- encompasses all the tools you need to boost productivity on your team.