5 Startup Business Model Templates to Start Using Right Now
There is not only one startup business model. Actually, there’s a great variety of them. Sometimes they don’t even have academical names, but they are all well-known and widely used. Some of them are unique and used only by one company, usually the one that invented it. Some early-stage startups may not even have a business model in mind (we assume they should, but it happens they don’t).
One of the most well-known concepts is a concept of the Business Canvas Model. In general, it’s a combination of factors that influence your business and your attitude toward them (meaning the behaviour and the workflow) visually reflected. We have made Kanbanchi board that represents business canvas. You can easily copy it to your Google Drive and start inventing your business model to rely on.
The concept of Lean startup is another approach that’s leading among all the startuppers right now. Instead of making a product that no one may want at the end, you communicate to the potential customers to find out their needs. Then you may develop your product step by step. When using this iterative approach, the classic kanban methodology might be the one perfect for you.
When you have found the particular needs of your target audience, you may pass onto creating the product. Here is where many startuppers make mistake! You really want to do everything great, and it may take years to create a perfect product. Instead, it is worthy to create an MVP (minimum viable product) with the number of essential characteristics that will satisfy your customers at the beginning. The next iterations can add other features that will allow you to attract more customers.
The iterative approach is the basis of the agile business model. When your business is agile it’s flexible and easy to turn when necessary. This is especially important in software development.
Almost the best model to go for is a Freemium model, when basic services are free, but customers pay for some advanced features. This model is most popular among online business, but it’s starting to come offline as well.
Please, feel free to take any of these boards to copy it to your Google Drive. When you open it, you’ll be asked to sign up to Kanbanchi with your Google Account. then you will be able to continue working with boards. Kanbanchi boards are flexible and may be transformed to suit your business needs even better than standard templates.