14 Productivity Websites that Will Make You a Leading Project Manager
Perhaps the greatest challenge for any project manager is to figure out how to make their days increasingly beneficial.
With lots of various activities and potential interruptions surrounding us, it is good to see that there is a number of useful productivity websites that guarantee to help us reach an amazingly high level of efficiency at work.
With the assistance of these sites, you can turn into a top project manager by increasing productivity and taking advantage of your working day each and every time. Coming up are some of the best productivity websites that you might want to give a try soon.
1) SaneBox for a Tidier Inbox
On the off chance that you regularly make some hard memories monitoring your inbox, at that point SaneBox could be actually what you need. This smart productivity tool realizes what type of email message is significant for you and what type you can happily leave to look at later (or perhaps never).
Along these lines, it then filters your new messages into different folders that keep your inbox overall quite clean consistently. By using SaneBox you can be sure that you don’t miss significant messages from your stakeholders and team members in a blizzard of garbage mail and trivial messages.
This could be a spectacular productivity improvement tool for someone who gets many emails but doesn’t have the time to sort through them all. To be fair, this is the case for pretty much each and every project manager in the world.
2) Doodle to Organise Meetings Easily
The task of sorting out meetings and workshops is one of the hardest and most tedious challenges to deal with in the world of project management. This is particularly evident if you have a wide group of interested parties to invite, each with clashing schedules for you to work around.
The job that Doodle does for you is to let you set up your meetings rapidly and efficiently by integrating with your schedule and afterwards considering everybody’s accessibility. You can utilize this productivity tool to see at a glance when everyone that you intend to invite is free.
This should remove a portion of the pressure from arranging meetings and should stop you from having to go back to change the invitation several times.
3) Unroll Me Handles Your Email Subscriptions
Taking care of subscriptions is one of those little tasks that can eat into your day significantly more than it might at first show up. This is where the handy Unroll Me site can spare you a great deal of time and effort by dealing with it on your behalf.
This productivity software works by very simply giving you a rundown of the email subscriptions that you have, which you can then fold up into one helpful email digest to make life simpler. If you want to cancel one of them then you can do it immediately with this tool and keep your inbox that little bit tidier.
You probably won’t understand how much time is taken up by handling your subscriptions until you test this tool.
4) Coffitivity Gives You Relaxing Background Noise
There are sure to be times in your working week when you simply need a break from the problem, the looming milestones and the demanding stakeholders. In the event that you need a desert garden of quiet in your day to unwind and motivate you then the idiosyncratic Coffitivity site could be the perfect arrangement.
Open up this site and you will hear the ambient sounds of coffee shops around the globe, with a rundown for you to pick the ideal one from. It might sound weird at first but the relaxing sounds of people babbling endlessly out of the sight could help you to lower your feelings of anxiety and work better without even thinking about it.
Maybe you will get such a good productivity boost by using this site that you will choose to leave it open for a while each day.
5) Кanbanchi Makes Workflow Planning Easy
Workflow planning and control is an immense piece of the project manager role and something that can get extremely untidy if you aren’t careful. Then again, if you can get to grips with this vital task and do it to a high standard then this is fabulous news for your future project management career.
The online tool from Kanbanchi makes this piece of your job a lot simpler by presenting everything you need in a manner that is extremely straightforward and easy to deal with. It has a clean and user-friendly interface to permit you to effectively plan and oversee tasks, as well as to collaborate with others.
This productivity tool could be exactly what you need in order to make one of the most troublesome parts of the project manager role significantly simpler from now on.
6) FocusWriter Lets You Concentrate on Writing
Do you ever struggle to find the right environment in which to settle down and write a new business case, requirements definition or some other significant report? Distractions are a major piece of a project manager’s life but this tool promises to help you out.
FocusWriter transforms your PC screen into a distraction-free writing zone that allows you to completely focus on the task in front of you. Features such as timer, alarm and live statistics all add up to make it a useful productivity tool worth considering.
If writing new documents seems to take you ages then why not check out this and see if increasing productivity suddenly becomes a lot easier?
7) Do Nothing for 2 Minutes to Recharge Your Batteries
The name of the site Do Nothing for 2 Minutes tells you exactly what it’s all about. On the off chance that you are over-worked and stressed out then this is a place, you can visit to unwind and get your concentration back.
The screen has a counter that counts you down from 2 minutes to zero while you simply stay there and do nothing by any means. You simply need to relax and listen to the ambient sounds of the waves while you recharge your batteries before going back to work again.
Doing nothing for a couple of minutes may seem like an unusual activity when you are under a great deal of pressure. However, if productivity sites like this one help you to deal with the working day better then it is well worth a regular visit. Or you may just drink some coffee 🙂
8) RescueTime Helps You to Find the Right Balance
Do you one in a while stress that you don’t utilize your working day? If you plan to become a top-class project manager then getting the right balance each day is unquestionably something to take a stab at.
The RescueTime productivity software is intended to track your day by day habits and then give you a clear picture of what you do every day. This could be ideal for helping you to work out what you need to change in the way you work if you want your career to push ahead positively.
By finding out what you do well and what you can improve there is an extraordinary possibility that you can begin making the improvements that you need to make.
9) Wikipedia for Easy Access to Tons of Information
Alright, so you probably already know about Wikipedia however have you at any point thought about using it to help increase productivity at work? This online encyclopaedia has its faultfinders but it is pretty much unbeatable for finding out facts and figures instantly.
Regardless of what you have to discover, there is a good chance that the answer lies in one of this site’s millions of articles. Even if you plan to double-check the realities later on, getting started on here will get you off to a fast start on your fact-finding missions.
You may soon get snared on this site and use it each time that you have to immediately turn into a specialist on something.
10) Coursera Gives You a Range of Courses
A typical attribute of successful project managers is that they are happy to learn new skills on a nonstop basis. When you think about the wide scope of skills expected to carry out this job it is no wonder that going on training courses is such a well-known move in this career.
The extraordinary thing about the Coursera site is that it lets you increase important new aptitudes without making you lose a lot of time going to training courses. You can discover new ways to work better by taking interesting online courses on the likes of programming languages, analysis and team leadership.
The more trainings you can get then the more certain you will feel about taking on any sort of energizing but challenging new projects in the future.
11) Cold Turkey Blocks the Websites that Distract You
Are social media sites the worst thing about your working life, or do you lose a great deal of your day looking up sports, news or entertainment sites? We all have our own online shortcomings and Cold Turkey is intended to help us with shutting them out.
Simply tell this productivity improvement tool the names of the sites that most make you sit around and it will block them for you from now on. With all the time that you free up you can then concentrate on your projects more and do a better job.
Sooner or later, you might even find that you no longer even have the desire to look up those sites that have distracted you so much previously.
12) Pocket Offers a Place to Store Things for Later
There are certain to be times when you end up with loads of tabs open on your browser and you simply don’t know which one to head to first. This can cause you to lose valuable time and can also make your computer run slower over time.
Pocket works very simply by letting you store sites, articles or videos for looking at later on. This could be an incredible assistance to you if you want to be more productive and focus on one thing at a time without the dread of losing some information.
When you get into this organised way of working you should realise that it is major assistance in letting you work easily and effectively.
13) Content Calendr Makes Social Media Less of a Struggle
If handling social media accounts gives you a headache then the terrific Content Calendr site could be the solution to your concerns. The manner in which it helps you to organise and streamline your social media work will assist with saving the chance to free up time to do other stuff.
The productivity tool on this site helps you to manage all of your social media content and campaigns on this one simple platform. The visual schedule and the analytics function are likely to guarantee that it is a particularly valuable productivity website for project managers.
Dealing with the digital marketing process could soon become something that you look forward to rather than fearing. What a breathtaking lift to your career that would be!
14) Zamzar Can Convert Just About Anything
It is easy to waste a long time trying to convert files from one format to another. If someone sends you a file that you can’t open then you could spend ages searching for a converter and afterwards downloading the software.
The magnificence of Zamzar is that it is a free multi-purpose converter whose site guarantees that it supports over 1200 different conversions. You can spare time by heading here to convert images, video, audio and eBooks, rapidly getting them into the format that you need them to be in.
Simply head here when you need something converted and there is a decent possibility that you can do it quickly and without any sort of fuss.
Make the project management role a bit simpler to deal with by evaluating a few of these useful productivity websites soon. It could be just about the best move you ever make to assist your career if you find the perfect one or combination. For instance, now is the ideal time to get started on this exciting process with Kanbanchi.