Additional options for checklists and filtering in Kanbanchi
How did you start this year? Kanbanchi started it with a focus on improvement. We aim to make the app better and more helpful for your work. So, we start with releasing more options for creating checklists and filtering in Kanbanchi.
Copying checklists from existing cards and card templates
You’ve been asking for it and here it is! Besides simply creating a new checklist now it becomes possible to copy the existing checklist from the card or the card template. Just click Add new checklist.
And then choose to copy a checklist from a card or a template and pick the one you need from the dropdown. This feature is also available for multiple cards.
Filtering in Kanbanchi by the date when a card was done
Filter helps you to find the cards you’re looking for in seconds by setting the number of parameters. We improved the filtering in Kanbanchi and now you’re able to filter the cards on the board by the date when the card was done. Just choose the range of dates or pick how many days before now it was done – and here you are, all the necessary cards are at hand.
We believe these improvements will foster productivity in your team and make the working process even more structured and organized. Check how it works for your boards and share your feedback with our team.