5 Project Management Examples for Project Success
There are times when you are managing your project that you would appreciate a little guidance or direction to help you achieve project success. You can use some of the best project management tools, but nothing beats real-life project management examples to inspire you to discover resolutions.
Our goal is to help bring you closer to project success with these five project management examples.
Keeping Teams Aligned
Today’s startups can respond faster to the needs of the markets. This is a challenge faced by large organizations. How can they respond more quickly to customer needs and expectations to surpass their competition?
Agile project management is quickly getting adopted in organizations to help them become more customer-centric digital leaders. The desire to deliver continuous product improvements is a necessity if you want to succeed in today’s marketplace.
Tracking progress in Kanban is an example of a simple project plan visually laid out to provide quick, reliable information. It is an effective approach to keeping and maintaining a team’s focus. Rather than spend months trying to develop the perfect solution, a new feature release can be launched weekly or monthly.
There are many project management tools on the market to keep teams focused and up-to-date on objectives and tasks. Kanbanchi is one of those tools available to meet your needs.
You want to avoid miscommunications at all costs. It can derail even the best project management plans.
Team members skim emails or may not be fully engaged in meetings. It is easy to perceive an issue that may not be there and then through word of mouth, it has now escalated into a serious concern.
Communication is of significant importance in project management. When information is misconstrued, tackle it right away. You may not have all the facts, but address it in your next team meeting or follow up with a memo, and the plan of action. If you fail to address it, the story will change as it passes from one person to the next.
Lack of Accountability
Issue: we needed a script written for a software solution. No one on the team wanted to be accountable for writing the script. Maybe some team members felt they didn’t have the skillset. Or perhaps no one wanted to be responsible for the time and effort it would take to write the script. Regardless, it needed to get done.
Lack of accountability can create confusion, conflicts, and impact performance. Instilling accountability within the team isn’t about laying blame. We are a team and will support each other.
Team members own tasks throughout the project. They become accountable for their assigned task. Setting this mindset for accountability starts at the onset of the project. You need to build accountability as a part of the project management process steps, and the commitment is documented in the project plan. Owning a task creates the required accountability to track effort and progress needed for reporting purposes so appropriate action can be taken within the project.
Teamwork Challenges
Project management processes can lay a foundation on setting the team up and defining the delivery expectations. Your management style will change as the team progresses through the various team formation stages. Think of the Tuckman model – forming, storming, norming, and performing. This classic team formation model is a perfect representation of the challenges teams encounter.
If you are encountering issues, adjustments can be made to your processes to meet the needs of your team better. A tool like Kanbanchi can facilitate collaboration. Team members will know what is taking place and when and be aware of what each team member is working on.
Risk Management
The customer wants functionality added to the solution. Adding this new functionality will delay the project by weeks and significantly impact the cost. The organization wants the project to launch at a specific date because there is another customer launch scheduled shortly behind.
How to manage a project effectively when you are faced with the risk of scope creep? As much as the customer may want this new feature, when the new delivery date is presented with the additional cost, frequently the customer will not want to increase their budget.
This is a simple project management example of risk. There are many different directions risk can take. Generally, the process starts by identifying the risk, assess and analyze the impact, and then finally get your mitigation plan in place.
Bringing it All Together
Project management is always evolving. It is a profession that demands patience and perseverance and a willingness to take some of those tough lessons learned along the way and integrate them back into project processes. These project management examples of successful projects show how taking quick action supported by a great tool can bring reliable results.
Successful project management stories are often supported by a great tool. Kanbanchi is an easy to use online tool to help meet all your project’s needs.