Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi. Second cup.
We had the second cup of Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi on January 23, 2016. Since Saratov enthusiasts were already familiar with the format, which Kanbanchi team introduced in November, we decided to move on getting closer to the original concept of Lean Coffee introduced by Jim Benson and Jeremy Lightsmith. All over the world Lean Coffee events are not formal and held in cafes without thorough organization – meetings take place in the same place at the same time, participants simply get updated about the next event. So, small number of things are required – a source of information, post-it notes and at least one person familiar with Lean Coffee format to educate others. Simplicity and flexibility are what we love about Lean Coffee 🙂
For those who do not remember, Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting, where people gather, build an agenda, and begin talking. Conversations are directed and productive because the agenda for the meeting is democratically generated. There are currently dozens of Lean Coffees happening world-wide, including Seattle, San Francisco, Stockholm, Toronto, Boulder, New York City, and more.
In Saratov topics for the second cup of our Lean Coffee were “Development” and “Startups”, and 20 people attended to dive deep into discussions.
Moderator of programmers’ table Alexander told us: “This time we had both developers and project managers at the table. Topics varied and were mostly technical ones – development process optimization, solving complex problems, high loads and variety of programming languages. Of course, many “trends” from the world of mobile development and DevOps.”
Vladimir who led the discussion on start-uppers’ table pointed out that the second cup indeed was different from the first one both in terms of participants’ background and areas of interest. Guys were discussing recruitment, establishing a project team and its’ motivation, working in small teams. Last time there were people from “non-IT” areas, but today more people attended who either “write” their projects by themselves or manage them, and these are IT-projects. A couple of participants attended just to get familiar with the format of Lean Coffee and more to listen what other are discussing.”
In the future we’re going to expand the scope of topics for Lean Coffee to include Design and Digital Marketing. Keep in mind that the format is so simple that can be easily adopted for any discussion. You can find more information on its official web-site www.leancoffee.org. If you have any questions just contact us on Social Media, we’ll be happy to help 🙂